End-User Device Security Guidance details how devices (smartphones, laptops, and tablets) are shaped to meet a desired End-User Device Security Framework. There are several factors system administrators must consider when deploying End User devices (EUDs) to make educated decisions about the configuration, management, and usage of EUDs, and increase user understanding of the possible overall risks to their networks.
Organisations who successfully implement security strategies while maintaining their functionality benefit considerably from the protection against cyber-crime, aiding continuous business operation.
The benefits of proper end-user security guidance reach far beyond the premise of a more secure business:
Cultivating a secure culture – Security awareness training for staff promotes company like-mindedness to protection against cyber-attacks. Tools such as rewards or incentives to staff who complete or show enthusiasm towards end-user security training help keep employees motivated and aware through a sense of healthy competition.
Encouraging perfect security practices – Knowledge of the approved security measures in your business should be fully understood by staff, as any misunderstanding is the quickest way to endanger your business. Constant, effective, and updated training courses give staff the ideal standards and expectations to protect your company. For example, how to create strong passwords, when to renew them, or, how to recognise and prevent an unauthorised guest from entering the site.
Save money and increase business continuity – Simply put, security measures and training aren’t free, and mistakes are costly as these are monitored by IT resources who charge a pretty penny for their time. Companies hold information not only of their company but also others, as well as customers’ thus, data breaches lead to fines, and loss of trust, resulting in irreparable reputation harm and contract terminations, all of which hurts a business’s bottom line.
There are several factors a business has to consider when implementing or deploying end-user computing devices in order to improve security, such as but not limited to:
Anti¬virus and anti¬malware protection - Reducing the risk of successful malicious software and content-based attacks is vital. Most companies manage this through the use of antivirus or antimalware software supplied by a third-party. To decide if your company requires third-party assistance, how available application whitelisting is and how it’s configured on the platform, as well as ensuring data is always directed through security IT defences.
Private APN – A private Access Point Name (APN) is used to capture all 3G/4G mobile data leaving a device and route the traffic back to an IP endpoint at a business network. The benefits of utilising an APN are plentiful and include:
• External company infrastructure (VPN) is exclusively authorised to sanctioned end-user devices instead of the internet.
• The end-user computing device is guarded from attacks by other users on the cellular network, as only authorised devices on the APN can access and funnel traffic.
• Low-¬level malware can’t evade the APN, making them easily detectable to business monitoring services and IT resource teams.
Security updates
Manufacturers frequently issue security updates and patches. Apply these updates instantaneously and regularly to ensure that devices are protected against known security issues.
End-user computing device security’s importance can’t be understated. Failing to put in place the correct measures has devastating effects, both short and long term, and in some cases, could spell the end of your business.
For more information on protecting your end-user computing devices, and the services Centerprise has in store to help you do so, contact us now! We aim to use our expert knowledge to improve business operations and impact the world.
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