The accolade will be formally given to the MOD Lyneham LEARN IT department, led by manager Michelle Fox, by Commandant DCTT at a presentation on a suitable date and location for to present this formally to Michelle and her team. In recognition of their outstanding support to the Defence School of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering (DSEME) and the College over the COVID-19 emergency period.
“Michelle and her team of support technicians have been widely recognised on-site for their outstanding support over this period.” Said Adam Sansom, DCTT Air Commander. He continued, “It is through Michelle’s leadership and the selfless determination and drive of her team that the College has received such great support. Without it, we would have been unable to deliver the first-class remote working capability that we have enjoyed.”
Before the national lockdown commenced, Michelle agreed to support the use of LEARN laptops for homeworking for those usually using fixed MODNET and other assets. Setting up a range of safe working processes within the IT Department and workshop to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, to protect both her team and customers. The LEARN team then rapidly prepared the required laptops and user accounts to assist the MOD’s priority of allocation of remote workers. In March alone, the LEARN IT Department issued over 230 systems to users across the MOD Lyneham, and in total to date, have supported the delivery of 433 LEARN laptops, which has provided DSEME, the College and part of the Navy with a vital homeworking capability.
Brian Brock, Head of Business Support at DSEME, had this to say, “I am so pleased that their efforts have been recognised as they are by far one of the very best IT teams that I have had the pleasure to work with - and there have been many! They are a credit to the great support that Centerprise can deliver, and you should be very proud of them and their achievements.”
The award comes as a symbol of gratitude toward the LEARN team for their willingness to go beyond the bounds of the LEARN contract, to provide assets quickly and efficiently where needed to support the Authority’s operations during COVID-19. Not only delivering a vast number of laptops to support remote working but also managing the day to day delivery of supporting LEARN, with no detrimental effect on the service, even with social distancing measures.
Team Members:
Michelle Fox – IT Manager
James Fox – 2nd Line Support Technician
Sara Davis – 2nd Line Support Technician
Jordan Sanderson – 2nd Line Support Technician
Tyler Jennings – 1st Line Support Technician
Marcin Bartoszewicz – 1st Line Support Technician
Scott Eddolls – 1st Line Support Technician
Tracey Pink – Administration Support