Is your school already using an Office 365 solution? Thanks to a joined effort between the Department of Education, Microsoft, and Centerprise, eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free.
The Department of Education has recently launched a scheme to develop the usage of remote learning platforms. Grants of up to £2,000 will be given to eligible schools to fund the employment of a Digital Education Platform. Microsoft, in partnership with Centerprise, will work together to deliver the perfect solution for schools across the UK, such as providing remote e-learning platforms, quality devices, and 30 days free technical aid from Centerprise.
Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based platform that allows school staff to access software and documents remotely. This means, whether in the classroom or not, you can reach the various teaching tools needed with Office 365 Education.
Click here for more information about the scheme and the eligibility criteria.